Third grade students are learning how to give a book talk. Their mission is to create an exciting book talk that will get second graders interested in reading a book that they recommend. Children who get hooked on an author, or series, tend to read more often. Children who read frequently do much better in school!
Second grade students are learning about biographies and research. They are using books and the Internet to research a famous person. They are learning what information to include that will make their biography interesting to others. They will be using Kidspiration (a graphic organizing tool) to make a concept map and a time line tool to make a time line of their famous person's life.
First graders are learning about life cycles of frogs and butterflies in the library to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. We are reading an enjoyable fiction book called A Tadpole's Promise that cleverly compares a butterfly and a frog's life cycle.
First graders also used Microsoft Drawing and Kid Pix to design place mats for the LCM Volunteer Tea that is being held on May 16th.
Kindergarten students are learning about seeds and plants in the library to enhance what they are learning in the classroom.
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." Ben Franklin

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- Mrs. Sweeney
- When I am not in the library or computer lab you can find me running or biking along the roads of Cape Cod. Two big hairy dogs run along with me so I am not hard to miss.